Wednesday, March 08, 2006


I've decided it's finally time to release my ravings on an unsuspecting world. After several abortive attempts at keeping a regularly updated site of my own and ending up spending most of the time redesigning it, I've gone for the simple option and started this blog. It may not be interactive or pretty, but I'm more likely to add actual content to it more than once in a blue moon.

I'll add information to my profile as time goes by and as time allows. I very much doubt that anyone is interested in who I am anyway. If you do feel like finding out more about me check out the relevant section to see if there's anything there to enlighten you.

I'm almost certain to start fiddling around with the design of the page. I can't stand templates designed by someone else. Hopefully my options will be limited, otherwise I may be some time.

Anyway, check back occasionally if you like what you see. There are sure to be plenty of bizarre mumblings, nuggets of wisdom and heated opinions as time goes on.

Be excellent to each other.

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